Hilltop Hall Opens!

Brand New, State-of-the-Art, Eco-Friendly Dormitory
Construction on SUNY Poly’s Hilltop Residence Hall, the first zero-net carbon-certified residence hall in the State University of New York (SUNY) system, was completed on schedule only days before first-year students moved in.
Originally intended for upperclassmen housing, the 257-bed dormitory will house freshmen as part of SUNY Poly’s Fall 2020 Plan to reopen campus with new guidelines in place to protect the safety of faculty, staff and students and slow the spread of COVID-19. Upperclassmen will be housed throughout other residence halls on campus while Oriskany Hall has been designated to temporarily house suspected and symptomatic students.
SUNY, in partnership with the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, began construction of the $33.5 million, 257-bed, residence hall project last summer. A groundbreaking ceremony for Hilltop Hall, held in May 2019, was attended by then-SUNY Chancellor Kristina M. Johnson, SUNY Poly Interim President Dr. Grace Wang, elected officials, faculty, staff and students.
The residence hall’s zero-net carbon certification means, in addition to exceeding existing energy codes, the infrastructure to add future on-site renewable energy production systems will be in place. Once these systems are installed, the building will use equal to or less than the energy annually it can produce on-site through renewable resources.
The installation of a pergola, appliances and additional interior painting is planned to be completed at a later time.