
Nursing Scholarship
“I am a 1983 graduate of SUNY Poly and worked for the NYS Senate in Albany for 32 years. Over the years, I have had some health setbacks, but am thankfully well now. Through my many experiences in and out of hospitals, I have come to appreciate how dedicated and hardworking nurses are. For this reason, and given the current events which have put nurses on the front line of the COVID-19 crisis, I am more convinced than ever that the nursing profession is essential.
My wife and I are establishing a nursing scholarship at SUNY Polytechnic Institute, with the idea that we will fund it every year.”
On behalf of the SUNY Poly Foundation, we thank Kevin and his wife for this incredible investment in our future nursing students.

Observer-Dispatch Story:
Local Bhutanese Refugee Now in a Position to Give Back
When Bikash Regmi first came to this country as a Bhutanese refugee in 2009, somebody gave him $20 to buy boots. The small gift made a big difference to his cold feet, he said. Others also helped him financially, drove him places, taught him and welcomed him “with a very open heart,” he recalled…